Let's answer a few questions on how to waterproof horse blankets and determine how often they need to be re-waterproofed? No blanket stays waterproof forever and after it’s been well used for a few years, the waterproofing will wear off. You’ll know it’s time when you notice wetness along the midline of the horse’s back and the croup. On average, a wet horse loses body heat 20 times faster than a dry horse does. Moisture can cause the hair to lie down reducing its insulating effect and can also cause a horse to catch a chill, running the risk of illness. So it is important to learn about the different waterproofing products available and to choose a product that is breathable, is safe for the environment and your horse.

Remember there are many waterproofing products available, but it is important to choose an environmentally friendly product that is water based and breathable. Avoid using products that has harsh chemical bases like polyurethane, which will not allow the garment to breath.
Dry Guy Waterproofing for Horse Blankets Spray is specifically formulated for horse blankets.
Now available on Amazon.com
and at www.dryguywaterproofing.com.
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